So in case you haven’t heard yet 2 major forces have collided and are causing a major jewelry storm. ‘Is this the reason for all of the strange weather lately?’ you may ask yourself and the answer could very well be yes. KING BABY STUDIO has had the pleasure of designing an exclusive, coveted, collectible collection of jewelry with inspiration direct from the historical lineage of Fender Guitar. Mitchell, our King, has always been inspired by music and especially as our famous ring states the proud genre of *ahem* ROCK N’ FUCKIN ROLL. So lets dive into some the background of how this collection got put together…

Being that Fender encompasses 60 plus year of musical legendary ( I realize that is slightly a word but the epic nature of the situation lends itself to creative license) the Fender by King Baby line spans all eras. From a vintage crowned microphone that would have been used to record blues legends like Booker T. Jones, to a bad ass majorly detailed gas mask (that’s already blowing off the shelves at our Mojitos store at Wynn) that gives a great HEY HO! to the punk anti-establisment mentality. We’ve also got an homage to Bruno Mars’s favorite guitar the famous Fender Stratocaster with wings!

Every single piece is harolded as a triumph from design to wax carving to casting to polishing.

Each piece makes sure the music lover in all of us is being honored as you wear your Fender by King Baby with pride.

So if your salivating for the collection like we are the collection will be hitting the shelves of Neiman Marcus, Holt Renfrew and a few speciality boutiques world wide OR you can see it on our King Baby Studio website.

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